
Things You'll Need

Step One
Before you decided to take anything too extreme, make sure you acne is not stemming from your own bad habits. Make sure you have a proper diet and are keeping excessive oils off of your face.
Step Two
If you feel that your diet or hygiene is not the case, I recommend going to a dermatologist. They are specialized in skin and can usually find the source of the problem. Usually they will put you on something not too extreme, to see if your skin clears up any.
Step Three
A lot of people who have anywhere from mild to severe acne usually have try Pro Active. Sometimes it can completely clear up your skin but if your situation is too severe, you may need something stronger.
Step Four
My dermatologist opted to put me on accutane. Accutane is an extremely strong medication, that should only be used if given by a doctor. With it being such a serious medication, you have to sign papers saying you will follow their orders and if you experience any symptoms to let you doctor know immediately.
Step Five
Some of the symptoms are very extreme, so you will definitely want to look at everything to find out if this is the right medicine for you. You will also be required to do blood work quite frequently, so they will be able to monitor your conditions.
Step Six
Usually it is done in six months sessions. Depending on how bad your skin was, it could be completely reversed in just those six months. Many people after accutane do not struggle with acne anymore. If they do receive pimples, it is usually just one or two blemishes. Before taking a medication strong is this, one must take the time to think it over and decide if this is the right decision for them.

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